Talent, Training & Education

Aside from lack of studio space, the single biggest challenge facing the film industry today is obtaining and retaining skilled production teams to meet ever-increasing demand. Lagonda Studios not only offers detailed databases of existing local screen suppliers and crew, but actively aims to address skill shortages by discovering and nurturing talent, ensuring that robust local talent pipelines are in place to support the strong growth potential in the film and television industries. In so doing, we support local economies by delivering localised job creation and employment opportunities in a wide range of skill areas relevant to the film, television, animation, and production industries.

Lagonda Studios creates opportunities for the next generation of filmmakers by fostering collaborations with education institutes and local schools; universities and technical universities;

  • further education and community colleges
  • industry bodies, local bodies, and sector groups
  • education and training providers
  • employers

Drawing on our bank of industry specialists, we also expand local crew base skills by delivering creative educational and training programmes, expert masterclasses, and film induction programmes, as well as supporting existing community engagement initiatives. Our talent, training, and education specialists likewise identify career opportunities, apprenticeships, and training programmes for those in the screen industries, as well as re-training schemes to allow members of other industries to transition into roles in film and television production.

Above all, Lagonda Studios champions diversity, equality, and inclusiveness, which are at the heart of our reducational development plans.