
Lagonda Studios offers unique film studio development, location-based entertainment, feasibility, and education services in the global screen and entertainment industries.

Film Studio Development

Our unique ‘Studio in a Box’ concept means that production companies can be quickly filming in exciting new locations, during a time when studio space is at an extreme premium. We achieve this by taking care of the ‘behind the scenes’ operations to get studios up-and-running as quickly as possible, handling all aspects of acquisition quite literally from the ground up.

Service Studio
Service Studio

Location-based Entertainment Experiences

Our expert consultancy encompasses the acquisition and development of location-based entertainment experience venues of all shapes and sizes, including sponsorship and naming rights, from stadiums, museums to gaming centres.

Sports Consultancy

Lagonda Studios offers unique sports consultancy and sponsorship services, film studio development, location-based entertainment, feasibility, and education services in the global screen and entertainment industries.

Sports Consultancy

Talent, Training & Education

With a dedicated Talent, Training & Education specialist, we offer tailored talent and education strategies, delivering schemes to create and foster talent for the film and television industry and to support local communities.