Feasibility Consultancy

With expertise in evaluating land acquisition viability, new development, and repurposed assets, Lagonda Studios offers first-class project feasibility consultancy services. Having managed the design, development, and operations of entertainment production and location-based entertainment experience projects ourselves, we understand exactly what it takes to successfully bring projects to fruition.

The core of our practice is a detailed feasibility study, an in-depth analysis examining all factors involved in the project.

  • project feasibility
  • due diligence
  • creative design
  • financial planning
  • project management
  • technological advancements

Taking a holistic approach that looks at the project from all angles, we consider everything from financial feasibility, legal issues, regulatory requirements, and infrastructure evaluations, as well as all political, economic, and market conditions that could affect the project’s outcome.

We also assess whether the project is feasible for all involved parties including local communities, municipal players, private owners, and investors, to ensure that every vested interest is considered and sees positive results.

Following the feasibility study, our consultants work with clients to develop a detailed plan for the project to ensure that every vision and idea conceptualised during the preliminary stages becomes a reality. Once the initial project is completed, a bespoke aftercare service is offered by Lagonda Studios’ expert team of consultants, who provide management services for the client’s assets including financial advice for maximisation of returns.